with Northumbria Healthcare
We are proud to offer a range of work experience placements across our different sites. Work experience is a great way to find out about some of the 350 careers available in the NHS. It will give you the chance to see first-hand what our staff do daily and the skills that are needed for these roles.
Work experience is not only for students. You may be looking at a career change or returning to the workforce. We can tailor the placement to you, so you get the most out of it. Our placements are available across the large area we cover.
To apply apply, please fill in this application form.
One of the team will check it within 3 working days.
If you have any questions, please check the FAQs further down on this page. If you need something else, please email WorkExperience@northumbria-healthcare.nhs.uk
Important informationOur placements are open to residents of North Tyneside and Northumberland. This is line with Our Community Promise to support our local communities. The only exception is immediate family of staff (parents/guardians/siblings). You must be aged 13 or above. Some areas will have specific age requirements. We offer a variety of clinical and non-clinical placements in our hospital sites, admin bases or GP surgeries. We can't provide placements in these areas: Theatres Paramedics Paediatrics Maternity/midwifery, obstetrics and gynaecology Clinical psychology A&E
Application processOn the application form, you must write a personal statement. There are 3 questions. This is chance to tell us your areas of interest and a bit more about you. We recommend around 200 words per question. The questions are: How will your chosen placement area support your future career aspiration? What do you already know about your chosen placement area? What do you already know about the NHS, and Northumbria Healthcare in particular? Your personal statement will go to your potential host. This is to check compatibility between you and the department. They want to see your passion for your placement choice. They want to know why you are interested in work experience in their department. If a host feels you may not be a good fit, or your personal statement does not reflect their values, your application may be declined. Please note the application form does not automatically save. We suggest preparing your personal statement before filling in the online form.
How to applyTo apply, please fill in this application form. One of the team will check it within 3 working days. More information on timelines is available further down on this page.
Occupational healthPlacements can only be arranged at least three months in advance. They are subject to satisfactory occupational health clearances. You will get an acknowledgement of your application within 3 working days. This will be followed by an email from our occupational health provider OPAS.G2. Please ensure you check junk folders as emails may go there. Complete the questionnaire as soon as you can. You will need to give information and provide documents such as records of vaccinations. For any placements in clinical areas, you must provide evidence of 2 MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccinations. Vaccination records can be obtained from your GP. Please note you may need an appointment with occupational health if you can’t provide the records needed. It will be sent to the email address you gave on your application.
General timeline for placementsYou will get an acknowledgement of your application within 3 working days. This will be followed by an email from our occupational health provider OPAS.G2. Please ensure you check junk folders as emails may go there. Once this questionnaire is done, your coordinator will start looking for appropriate hosts that match your preferences. This is while we wait for your health clearances. We will use your personal statement to find any suitable hosts. We will share your answers with them. This is so they know your goals and your passions. This will help create a bespoke learning experience for you. The coordinator will then confirm the placement with the hosts. They will check relevant policies and procedures. They will support with designing a workplan for your placement. When this is done, we will confirm your placement with you and send you an offer letter. We will send: A risk assessment A timetable (if needed) A candidate pack with information such as dress code and infection control A map of the site you will be going to Occupational health clearances can take up to 3 months. It depends if a face-to-face appointment is needed. This is why it is important to complete the questionnaire as soon as possible. No placement can start without valid health clearances.
Useful linksFind out which careers you might enjoy by taking the Health Careers Quiz! Brighton and Sussex Medical School – Medicine Virtual Work Experience University of Sheffield – Entering the world of Dentistry Allied Health Professionals, 360 Virtual Work Experience
FAQsI have submitted my application, what happens next? You will get an acknowledgement of your application within 3 working days. This will be followed by an email from our occupational health provider OPAS.G2. Please ensure you check junk folders as emails may go there. I’ve completed my occupational health questionnaire, what happens next? We will start approaching hosts in your desired area. We will give them your personal statement to find a match. No personal information will be shared with hosts until we have confirmed your placement. I have been health cleared but have not had a response on my placement. Health clearances can vary in how long they take. They can take up to 3 months, although it can be much quicker than this. We will have started searching for your placement when you filled out the questionnaire. We will be in touch as soon as we have a confirmed placement. My desired placement area is not available as an option. Unfortunately, we can’t place in certain areas. This includes but is not limited to paediatrics, maternity/midwifery and psychology. Certain placements such as ‘shadowing a doctor’ are not always possible. We can’t guarantee a medical placement will give you the information you need to make your future career decisions. We host masterclasses that aim to provide you with an enhanced learning experience. They add value over traditional work experience. They are interactive and engaging. They seek to give you information, advice and guidance on your future career options. You can find out more about our upcoming masterclasses here. I have completed the application form, does this mean I have a guaranteed placement? Unfortunately, we cannot always secure placements. Until we have found a suitable host, and ensured all processes are in place, we can’t confirm any placement. We know that schools require confirmation of placements. However, to ensure safe and high- quality care for our patients and your safety, we can’t guarantee a placement before our checks are all done. I have been Health Cleared, does this mean I have a guaranteed placement? Unfortunately, we cannot always secure placements. Until we have found a suitable host, and ensured all processes are in place, we can’t confirm any placement. We know that schools require confirmation of placements. However, to ensure safe and high- quality care for our patients and your safety, we can’t guarantee a placement before our checks are all done.